The definition "third sector" is a synonym to the NGO's.
Not going very deep into details (I hope the Wikipedia link will answer most of the questions) i just can say thet this sector is one of the largest.
For example only in Russia there are 277,000.
All of them play important roles:some more,some less.
There are bright examples of International NGO's that operate globally like UNESCO or World Health Orhanisation.
Their aims to maintain good relationships through all the countries in terms of public health and culture.
However NGO's do not limit their responsibilities just in one field.
There are many examples of NGO organisations that operate in terms of other global issues like energy and other resources consumption, food consumption, environmental issues and protection, distribution of resources among different nations.
It's not a surprise that holding significant power in their hands NGO's pay huge loads of attention to the PR. They now hire good PR practitioners to help them achieve their goals.
Actions can be different: stunts,flash-mobs.polls,surveys,celebrity participation and many more.
In this case PRofs in the organisations should always be all there.
With the rise of the NGO's activism and people's trust in NGO's power big corporations (and not only just big ones,and not only corporations) PR practitioners should create special plans or actions in case NGO's try to hit on the organisation.
Reading the Russian Laws when I was writing this post I came up with thoughts that Russia has so many NGO's,but they actually cannot really influence the Government and it's policies.
First of all, Russian law concerning the NGO's was adopted not such a long time ago.
Secondly, Russia is an "amazing" king of country, where the Government is everything-"its Tzar and the God and all the Saints" in one body.
What I came up with reading the law, is that it is constructed in a very tricky way (as usualy Russian Government does). It depicts all the do's and don't of NGO's in Russia, providing them ephemeral freedom-however if we look deeper in the law it makes so many obstacles (oficially supported by Consitution) that none of the NGO's will ever affect any body or member of the Government.
At least not the international ones.
Actually, during my not so long (but actually not so short) life I've never heard of any case when NGO's succeded in reaching it's goals fully if there is Russian Government on the way.
Yes,we have no freedom here.
Here is a short video about NGO's
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